ESG Environmental Social Governance

ESG framework in the Immero Group
The Immero Group follows the ESG guidelines in a sustainable and constant manner.
The group work towards taking a leading role in complying and updating the guidelines in all areas, which includes a corresponding voluntary commitment by the management.
The Management and employees have a strong awareness of environmental and sustainability issues.
The Immero Group aspires a sustainable use of resources and operates their properties in a way, that minimizes the environmental impact.
The ESG-Values
We want to make our contribution to the decarbonization of the German building sector. Therefore, the reduction of CO2 emissions is important to us.
With our contribution, we have the opportunity to make cities and communities more sustainable, to create the best working conditions for our employees and to support young people with their arrival.
Immero was founded on the base of responsibility, innovation and transparency and attaches great importance to sustainable and ethical corporate governance.